
'left analog':Movement

'A': interact

'LB': previous tool

'RB': next tool


'wasd': move

'Q': previous tool

'E': next tool

'Space': interact

'1': reload game

'Esc': quit

'Right Shift': toggle the music ui window in the music scene


//music sandbox scene added

//Added scene selector

// Items that are meant to be used as part of another Item will attempt to equip the item that uses them if they are in the players inventory

e.g. selecting the grubs equips the fishing rod

//Player model added with the blend states for movement

//fixed bug where villagers heads would snap back and forth when at the edge of their watch angle

//Catching bugs/fish/grubs displays a dialogue if one is available

//radial wheel

  --multiple wheels: left.right to rotate -> or lb/rb to change page

  --both button press and mouse click usable

//item interaction is defined by sub type and the interaction between them

--holding a shovel and interacting with a tree has its own logic compared to holding a shovel and interacting with a hole

//scriptable object for setting fish/grubs for a map node

//Map divided into nodes for navigation and setting location specific findable items

//fishing mechanics: General idea of going with a wait and see approach to allow narrative space to play with the player's surroundings

--To catch a fish a [hidden] stat (fishing score) needs to reach the target out of 100

  - 0-15 no fish

  - 16-50 standard fish

  - 51-100 rare fish

--While the player is fishing a dice roll occurs at set intervals to increase/decrease the fishing score

  -based on the current fishing score an icon is displayed meant to represent how likely you have a bite

    - <10 'zzz'

    - <50 '...'

    - >50 '?'

    - >90 '!'

--What kind of fish is determined by the player's current location